Category: Startups

  • Think Like an Owner

    Think Like an Owner

    The Ownership Delusion Let’s cut to the chase: you’re probably deluding yourself. Yes, you. The one sipping overpriced coffee, pretending to look busy while secretly planning your escape from cubicle purgatory. You think you’re just another cog in the corporate machine, right? A mere pawn in the grand chess game of capitalism? Well, buckle up,…

  • Rat Race: why VC game often misses the point?

    Rat Race: why VC game often misses the point?

    Imagine: You’re at a swanky startup conference, surrounded by a sea of hoodies and MacBooks. The air is thick with the scent of overpriced coffee and desperation. On stage, a fresh-faced founder is pitching their revolutionary AI-powered, blockchain-based, sustainable, gluten-free toothbrush subscription service. Cybersecure ofc. The audience oohs and aahs. VCs salivate. And I’m sitting…

  • Am I or AI: Building a Unicorn Startup Solo?

    Am I or AI: Building a Unicorn Startup Solo?

    Picture this: You’re sitting in your favorite coffee shop, sipping on an overpriced latte, staring at your laptop screen. The café is buzzing with the chatter of aspiring entrepreneurs and the clattering of keyboards. You’re pondering the age-old question that’s been nagging at you since you first dipped your toes into the startup world: “Can…

  • Stop Pretending, Start Building

    Stop Pretending, Start Building

    Discover why real success comes from building something that matters, not pretending. Tips for authentic entrepreneurship and sustainable business growth.

  • -> Israeli Startups

    A Beacon for Israeli Startup Innovation, Powered by YS Horizon In the fast-paced world of startups, where every idea counts and every second matters, there’s a new player that’s turning heads and changing the game: Spearheaded by the visionary minds at YS Horizon, this platform is not just another website; it’s a revolution in…

  • Key Investor Relations Strategies for VCs

    Key Investor Relations Strategies for VCs

    Explore essential strategies for VC funds to enhance investor relations, build trust, and secure long-term partnerships for successful fundraising.

  • Alice in Wonderland – Startup Lessons

    Everything got a moral, if You only can find it Duchess Just finished “Alice in Wonderland” — the smallest book I ever read. And yeah, I’ve missed it when I was a kid. Frankly, threre’re no regrets about it cuz I’m not sure that it’s possible to realize all the meanings without personal experience. But…

  • No (.) code for startups? LCNC.

    In the bustling heart of today’s digital age, a quiet yet potent revolution is reshaping the technological landscape: the No-Code movement. As we stand at the cusp of 2024, this revolution is not a distant prediction but a vivid reality, transforming how we think about and engage with technology. At the forefront of this transformative…

  • Optimize iOS Payments.

    Welcome to the cutting-edge world of mobile app development and monetization! As a savvy business owner or a skilled developer in the U.S., you’re probably always on the lookout for ways to optimize your app’s revenue stream. Well, you’re in luck! Today, we’re diving deep into a groundbreaking opportunity provided by Apple – integrating external…

  • Israeli Startups 2024: Market Outlook

    The State of Unicorns and Leading Tech Companies In the rollercoaster world of startups, where a unicorn status is often more coveted than a stable revenue model, Israel’s tech darlings are facing a reality check. 2024 has rolled in not just with new resolutions but also with a fresh set of challenges for these billion-dollar…